List the most common instruction values for the given body parameters
Last updated
List the most common instruction values for the given body parameters
Last updated
This method returns the most common instruction values based on the given argument path and an optional robust filter object. There are many types of filters you can apply and you can find information regarding those in the Filters section of the docs.
As mentioned above, the api definition here implements an optional filter object. All queries that accept a filter object in the POST body can make use of any of the potential filters. Please see the Instruction Filters section of the documentation to better understand how they are implemented for instruction queries.
Program - Candy Machine
Description - Return the most common values for argument data.creators.percentageShare. Default to 5 returned values.
Program - Candy Machine
Description - Return the 10 most common values for argument data.creators.percentageShare. Filter for only instructions that have "metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s" within their logs and they must be in the set time range.
List the most common instruction values for the given body parameters
should be set to 'MOST_COMMON_VALUES_INSTRUCTION' This is the type of query you want to perform.
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